Not One, But Two New Australian Women's Records

Last updated 30 Jul 2024

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A group of ladies were particularly busy on Sunday 5 May 2024, setting not just one, but two new Australian Women's Records! Congratulations are in order for everyone involved.

Australian Women's Total Break Sequential Record

On the first weekend in May, a group of ladies from all over Australia got together at Skydive Ramblers, Toogoolawah, with the intention of setting a new Australian Women's Total Break Sequential (TBS) record.

Shonelle TBS Record by Michael Young

A total-break record involves all of the participants building predetermined formations, between which all grips need to be totally dropped before taking new grips. It is a particularly challenging type of jump, with the 'total breaks' increasing the difficulty for participants to maintain levels and proximity throughout the jump. Requiring a high level of skill and teamwork for success, these jumps are extremely fun and rewarding for all involved.

The event began on Friday 3 May, but unfortunately the weather gods weren't on side for the first two days. One group did manage to get a practise jump in on Saturday however, mainly including jumpers who had not jumped at Ramblers at all on the Friday.

2 Point TBS 24 Way

By the time Sunday rolled around, the ladies were all raring and ready to go and thankfully the weather gods were on side this time. 24 jumpers and 2 camera flyers were geared up, dirt dived, mentally prepared and 'buddy checked' in time for the welcome sounds, smells and excitement of wheels up for the two Caravans around 11am. With 5 floaters, 7 divers and 1 camera flyer per Caravan, everyone knew what their specific job was in this record attempt.

Record attempt #1 and record attempt success!

Australian Womens TBS Record 1 by Michael Young Australian Womens TBS Record 2 by Michael Young

The ladies successfully completed the 2-point TBS 24-way Australian Women's Record at 11:17am, jumping from 14,000 ft, with an age range of 22 to 64 years amongst the group and a wide range of experience along with it. Michael Young and Kristan Fischer did a great job at capturing the record attempt, which was confirmed as successful by on-site APF judge Sheena Simmonds, and off-site APF judges Peta Holmes and Jenni Plumridge.

Australian Women's Largest Star Formation Record

After a short break, debrief and lots of celebratory high fives, the group minus one went up again in the early afternoon to attempt an Australian Women's Star Record. The morning's success ran through into the afternoon with the group successfully completing a 23-way star formation at 1:06pm, again captured my Michael and Kristan, and confirmed as a new record by Sheena, Peta and Jenni.

Australian Womens 23 Way Star Formation by Michael Young 

Two new records set in the space of two hours! An incredible achievement for all involved.

"I'm continually encouraged and inspired by these women, who had the grit and tenacity to keep their mental game ready despite some weather challenges" said Event Organiser and participant Kristina Hicks. "Pulling off two records from two jumps was a phenomenal experience to be a part of!"

Increasing Awareness

This success gained coverage on media outlets including the Channel 10 News, ABC Radio Perth, Today Show and 9 News, increasing awareness of our sport and inspiring future skydivers around the country. Another great achievement on the back of the record successes.


Australian Womens TBS Record Group by Michael Young

Congratulations to all of the ladies involved: Dawn Adams (TBS record), Catherine Brown, Cheri Bullen, Shirley Cowcher, Natisha Dingle, Laura Fitzpatrick, Marcia Hammond, Karen Hardy, Kristina Hicks, Terry Irving, Nicole Kearns, Amanda Lavis, Jiayu Li, Caroline Loh, Skye Parsons, Katie Peterson, Kristina Provci, Shonelle Rutherford, Tanita Rutherford, Jamie Spears, Yvonne Ullmer, Emelia Vass, Zhijun (Jag) Wei and Emily White.

Congratulations to the camera flyers: Michael Young and Kristan Fischer.

Thank you to the APF judges, without whom these record attempts would not be possible: Sheena Simmonds, Peta Holmes and Jenni Plumridge.

Thanks also go out to the Skydive Ramblers CI, DZSO, GCAs, reception staff and of course, the two pilots, for making this event possible.

Fun Facts

Number of Participants: 24

Home State Breakdown: QLD (9), NSW (6), WA (4), VIC (3), SA (2)

Citizenship Breakdown: Australian (20), Canadian (1), Chinese (1), Chinese-Australian (1), German (1)

Age Range: 22-64 years

Number of Mums: 5

Australian Womens TBS Record Mums by Michael Young

Event Sponsors

Thanks to the sponsors making this event possible:

Australian Parachute Federation, South Queensland Parachute Council, Skydive Ramblers, iFly Brisbane, Aerodyne, Cookie, Larsen & Brusgaard Altimeters, LVN Clothing and Flow Rigging.

Thanks to Kristina Hicks for her contribution to this article.

If you would like to submit an article, or have a topic request for the APF Blog, please email [email protected]

[Photo Sources: Michael Young]
