Ring The Bell: June 2024

Last updated 16 Jul 2024

  1. Blog
  2. Ring the Bell

Congratulations are in order to the following APF members, who have recently achieved milestones in their skydiving careers!

List compiled by the APF of achievements from June 2024 - Congratulations everyone!

Certificate A:

Tahu Aldred-Sutherland - Jaega Banga - Oliver Barton - Fabio Bertocchi - David Birch - Michael Challen - Nick Delaney - Carla Gelabert Gomila - Lewin Henning - Joshua Hodgkinson - Brad Hutchins - Caspar Hutchinson - Jye Jones - Daniel Kelly - Zachary Langdon - Flavio Leonardi - Gabriel Lozano - Kayla Manie - Xavier Manson - Thomas McGorm - Louis O'Hare - Thomas Shephard - Frederik Vangen - Aaron Wain - Bradley Wilson - Dunnil Yohanes - Zac Zevenboom

AFF Student at Skydive Jurien Bay by Lucy Clacher

Certificate B:

Mark Beglan - Patrick Brenner - Courtney Burnett - Martin Coia - Tim Dickeson - Nicole Heveren - Shaun Kelley - Calum Mayall - Joss McGregor - Mathew Nolan - Matt Radcliff - Benjamin Strickland - Craig Watson

Certificate C:

Basto Bastin - Jonathan Bell - Ryan Burkill - Jackson Doyle - Wai Yin Lo - Emily Mcgowan - Sujit Patil - Zachary Polsen - Finlay Preston - Matt Radcliff - Andrea Vignau

RW Jump at Far North Freefall by SPOT Images

Certificate D:

Alana Allsopp - Harry Bink - Natalia Bordin - Callum Boult - Adam Horvath - Louise Hosking - Darren Hughes - Ethan Kaminski - Nina Krohmer - Callum Murphy - Pavel Sergeev - Jordan Smith - Kenneth Wathall

Certificate E:

Q Hermen - Taebaek Lee - Lucas Lovato - Luiza Lovato - Cameron Renson

Star Crest:

Ryan Burkill - Hayley Edmonds - Dean Evezard - Jodie Fair - Alex Findlay - Lauren Hart - Jeremy Hartley - Danny Kea - Nathan Kuipers - Alex Macadam - Zachary Polsen - Connor Pye - Cameron Renson - Noah Russell - Lucas Tilley

Head Up at Skydive Port Macquarie by Cam Puttee

Freefly Crest HU:

Joel Clare - Hayley Edmonds - Lauren Hart - Jack Lewis - Willow Murdoch - Callum Murphy - Alex Sandeman

Freefly Crest HD:

Callum Murphy - Giovanni Pitzalis - Kris Sieczkowski

Wingsuit Crest:

Andrew Finney

Wingsuiter at Skydive Jurien Bay by Tahi-Paul Munroe

Packer B:

Chen Chen - Jake Donnelly - Kris Taylor - Jesse Welton

Packer A:

Taeyeong Kim


Heath Baird - Ryan Dudderidge

Packer at Skydive Oz by TBH Media


Samuel Carey

Endorsement AFF:

Samuel Carey

Endorsement Tandem:

Benjamin De La Carrera Valdes - Zac Rivett

Tandem Instructor Skydive Byron Bay

Endorsement Course Trainer:

Ryan Weatherley - Robert Verner

Endorsement DZSO:

Jose Calderon

Senior Instructor:

Kenneth Richards

Certificate B Coach:

Adam Horvath - Vincent Jones

Careers in Skydiving

Display General:

Chris Danielsen - Ethan Kaminski - Alex Macadam - Cameron Renson

Display Pro:

Vinny Leyman - Giovanni Pitzalis - Jaron Rahui - Herbert Ratahi

Jump Pilot Authorisation:

Anthony Cotsios - Michael Donoghue - Ron Feldshtein - Kate Glavocevic - Rodney Loder - Harrison Lynch - Luke Marland - Kayley Ross - Jonty Vincenzo Low

Skydive Jurien Bay Caravan by Jake Stacy

If you would like to submit an article, or have a topic request for the APF Blog, please email [email protected]

[Photo sources: TBH Media, Lucy Clacher, SPOT Images, Cameron Puttee, Skydive Jurien Bay, Skydive Australia, Heath Baird, Tahi-Paul Munroe, Jake Stacy]

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