Recommended Tandem Water Landing Procedures

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If a water landing seems imminent, remain calm, inform your passenger and follow these steps; ( listed in order of priority )

  • Fit and inflate passenger’s life vest.  Ask your passenger to fully inflate the life vest by pulling the tab firmly downwards.
    If the life vest does not inflate , ask the passenger to fully inflate the life vest manually with the mouth tube.
  • Brief your passenger for water landing.
    This should include;
  • Legs up in front , feet together.
  • Holding the lifejacket with both hands and pulling downwards to prevent the jacket popping off their head upon entry into the water.
  • A countdown to landing including taking a deep breath and holding it just before entering the water.
  • Disconnect side adjusters and stow hooks to prevent entanglement with lines etc. once in the water
  • Disconnect RSL
  • Undo Tandem Masters chest strap. Leave passengers harness as is.
  • Ensure helmet visor is open
  • Face into wind for landing
  • Aim to land as close as safely possible to boats
  • Land well away from breaking waves
  • Remind passenger to lift legs , hold vest and countdown to entry , hold breath.
  • Flare as for a normal landing , aiming to enter the water vertically and with minimal forward speed.
  • Once in the water;
  • Cutaway main canopy , if under reserve collapse reserve by hauling in one brake line
  • If covered by the canopy , remain calm , stay connected and follow the seams on the canopy for the quickest route to freedom. Ask the passenger to assist.
  • Disconnect the passenger once clear of the equipment.
  • Fit and inflate your life vest.
  • Remain with your passenger and if possible stay close to the equipment as a floating canopy is a great signal for rescuers.
  • Conserve energy and stay warm until help arrives.

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