Positive Publicity

Step One: The Story

There is a newsworthy story happening at your DZ every month – this is an opportunity to share real people’s inspiring and engaging stories through amazing imagery to promote this wonderful sport!


Some news story ideas:

  • Display jumps
  • Organised event with elite coaches
  • Teams training for State/national or international competition
  • Oldest/youngest tandem skydiver
  • Special day jump (Father’s day, Mother’s day, ANZAC day, Easter Bunny or Christmas Santa jump etc)
  • Record attempt
  • State or National championships

Step Two: Writing a Media Release

It is important to write a good media release to attract the newsroom’s attention.  

Your media release should include the following (see below example media releases):

  • Time, date and location of event
  • Contact person and details
  • Photo/s:
    • Use low resolution in MR and offer better quality on request
    • Seek permission from photographer to use pictures
  • Tell a human interest story with a ‘wow’ factor, include quote/s so it could be ready to publish

Media release example 1 - Australian team training for World Championships

Media release example 2 - State Championships

writing media release 

Step Three: Contacting Newsroom

Source local and regional radio, newspaper and TV contacts one week prior to the event (ie call on Monday for the following weekend).

Small radio stations and newspapers need stories to fill and may do lead up interviews or write ups.

Always call first to gage interest in the story and make sure to get the following details if they are interested:

  • Correct email address to send release to
  • Deadline for story and footage
  • Best method to transfer footage (dropbox, wetransfer etc)

Search for media contacts in your stateHERE


Step Four: Edit Footage/Photos

Organise a dedicated camera or media person to coordinate footage and/or photos on the day of the event.

  • Photos:
  • Pick the best photos only (1 ground and 1-2 in air – freefall and/or under canopy)
  • Edit the photos in high resolution for print media (save file names with photographer credit)
  • Make lower resolution copies for social media
  • Video:
  • Edit the best clips and keep short (no more than 30 seconds) – only show what you want televised!
  • Include interviews where possible
  • Write a video log (timeline) if multiple clips on the one file OR
  • Name each clip with relevant explanation
edit photo

Step Five: Delivering the Story

Make sure you stick to the deadline and get the story, footage or photos to the media on or ahead of time.


Need help?

If you need assistance writing your release or finding media contacts in your area please reach out to the following people who are more than happy to help:

Brigitte Jones, APF Sport Development Manager: [email protected]

Lucy Clacher, APF Media: [email protected]
