Instruments (now located in Regulatory Schedule 51)

  • CASA EX105/23 - Part 105 (Parachute Operators and Pilots) Instrument 2023
  • CASA EX81/21 - Part 91 of CASR - Supplementary Exemptions and Directions Instrument 2021

Civil Aviation Regulations (CAR) & Civil Aviation Safety Regulations (CASR)

  • CASR - Part 105 Parachuting from Aircraft
  • Part 105 (Parachuting from Aircraft) Manual of Standards 2023
  • CAR 209 - Private Operations
  • CAR 224 - Pilot in Command
  • CAR 163AA - Formation Flying

Civil Aviation Advisory Publication (CAAP)

Manual of Standards Part 172 and be found of ComLaw site


CASA - Human Factors for Pilot's
