What Learning to Skydive Involves

Last updated 05 Aug 2024

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Do you want to learn to skydive, or do you know someone who does? The Accelerated Freefall Course is the most common route to becoming a Licensed Skydiver in Australia. Commonly referred to as the 'AFF Course', here's what it involves...

AFF is a guided, step-by-step course that teaches you all the skills you need to be able to jump totally solo. This normally takes 7-10 jumps, depending on the course style and your progression.

Ground Training

Skydive Oz Ground Training by TBH Media

You start with a full day of training on the ground, teaching you everything you need to know for your first jump. You will learn how to exit an aircraft, how to be stable in freefall and how to deploy your parachute. You will also be taught how to handle various scenarios once your parachute is open, and how to fly your parachute safely back to earth. Your first skydive will be planned thoroughly with your instructors, so you will know exactly what you need to do.

Jumping with 2 Instructors

AFF at Skydive Ramblers

Your first few skydives will be with two instructors, who will hold on to you in freefall, give you signals to remind you what to do, and help you remain in control. Then once you have deployed your parachute, your instructors will guide you down the rest of the way, using radio communication and ground signals. So from exiting the plane, to landing safely back on the ground, you will be in safe hands!

Jumping with 1 Instructor

AFF at Skydive Jurien Bay 

As you become more competent in the air, your next few skydives will be with one instructor. On these skydives your instructor will let go of you, so you can fly your body by yourself, and you will learn how to do 360s, forward movement and even a back flip! And don't worry, your instructor will still be flying right next to you, to give you any signals you need.

Jumping Totally Solo!

Student at Skydive Oz

Once competent, the final jump on your AFF course will be totally solo - a massive achievement!

Getting Your 'A Licence'

Students at Skydive Oz

After you have completed your AFF course, you will have the skills to jump solo. You will need to do some more solo freefall jumps to get ten accurate landings, then you'll be ready to apply for your first skydiving licence! Your ‘A Licence’ will be recognised all over the world.

Future Pathways

Student at Skydive Jurien Bay by Heath Baird

Now you're a licensed skydiver, the world is your oyster! There are many different pathways you can choose to follow once you gain experience. Wingsuiting, formation skydiving, freeflying, or even making a career out of it and becoming a skydiving instructor yourself. Learn more about the multitude of disciplines skydiving has to offer here, or find out more about career pathways in skydiving here.

Note: AFF is not the only pathway to becoming a licensed skydiver. Some training drop zones also offer Solo Freefall courses and others start their AFF program with a tandem skydive. Further details on what course each drop zone offers can be found on their respective websites. Head to the full list of training drop zones in Australia to find your nearest one!

[Photo sources: TBH Media, Skydive Ramblers, Skydive Oz, Travis Heath]


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