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World Skydiving Day: An Event for New and Experienced Skydivers

World Skydiving Day: An Event for New and Experienced Skydivers Save the date and join the World Skydiving Day Record on Saturday 13 July 2024! 22 Apr 2024

The RAVSTASS Ravens Take Gold At Nationals

The RAVSTASS Ravens Take Gold At Nationals On the back of their silver success at the 2023 Virtual Blast Nationals, the RAVSTASS Ravens were go ... 29 Mar 2024

Looking In The Rear View Mirror: Automatic Activation Devices

Looking In The Rear View Mirror: Automatic Activation Devices Dave Smith takes us back in time to see how an initiative of the Australian Parachute Federation res ... 11 Mar 2024

Looking In The Rear View Mirror: Jumping Through Cloud

Looking In The Rear View Mirror: Jumping Through Cloud Dave Smith takes us back in time to see how jumping through cloud came about, and how the Australian ... 26 Feb 2024

Dress For Success

Dress For Success Is what you wear while you skydive helping or hindering you? Written by Emma Jaber, APF Freefly Coac ... 8 Jan 2024

Becoming A Tandem Outside Camera Flyer

Becoming A Tandem Outside Camera Flyer Have you ever wanted to fly outside camera for tandems? We caught up with Laura Sadler from Skydive ... 2 Jan 2024

All The Gear? Have An Idea!

All The Gear? Have An Idea! Just bought your first rig? Don't fall into the "All The Gear, No Idea" category. Here are some tips ... 30 Nov 2023

State Championships: Get Involved!

State Championships: Get Involved! With State Championships around the corner, have you got your team together? If not, get involved! 12 Oct 2023

Gear Checks: Have A System!

Gear Checks: Have A System! Like many aspects of skydiving, if you don't want things to be missed, make sure you have a system. ... 5 Oct 2023

Routine Opening Problems

Routine Opening Problems Identifying "routine opening problems" and knowing how to resolve them. By Charl Rootman, APF Safety ... 5 Oct 2023

Fun Skydive Ideas for Newer Jumpers

Fun Skydive Ideas for Newer Jumpers Have fun in the sky and finesse your skills with these mapped out skydives! 29 Jul 2023

Your Top Questions About the World of Skydiving!

Your Top Questions About the World of Skydiving! Your Top Questions About the World of Skydiving, Answered Here! 20 Jul 2023

Career Pathways in Skydiving

Career Pathways in Skydiving Skydiving has a whole host of career pathways available to people who love adventure. Read on to fin ... 12 Jul 2023

Obtaining APF Qualifications, by Charl Rootman

Obtaining APF Qualifications, by Charl Rootman It is a journey...not a race. 12 Jul 2023

What Is Designed To Save You Can Kill You, If You Let It. By Brett Newman.

What Is Designed To Save You Can Kill You, If You Let It. By Brett Newman. Automatic Activation Devices: How much do you really know about what you're putting on your back? 12 Jul 2023

What Learning to Skydive Involves

What Learning to Skydive Involves Do you want to learn to skydive, or do you know someone who does? The Accelerated Freefall Course is ... 12 Jul 2023

5 Things All Newly Certified Skydivers Need To Know

5 Things All Newly Certified Skydivers Need To Know A Licence in the bag? Here are some tips for you! 5 Jul 2023

Buying Your First Set of Gear

Buying Your First Set of Gear Are you looking to buy your first set of gear, but have no idea where to start? Look no further, her ... 4 Jul 2023
